Income Tax in the United States
In the United States, a tax is imposed on income by the federal, most state, and many local governments. The income tax is determined by applying a tax rate, which may increase as income increases, to taxable income as defined. Individuals and corporations are directly taxable, and estates and trusts may be taxable on undistributed income.
Partnerships are not taxed, but their partners are taxed on their shares of partnership income. Residents and citizens are taxed on worldwide income, while nonresidents are taxed only on income within the jurisdiction. Several types of credits reduce tax, and some types of credits may exceed tax before credits. An alternative tax applies at the federal and some state levels.
Taxable income is total income less allowable deductions. Income is broadly defined. Most business expenses are deductible. Individuals may also deduct a personal allowance (exemption) and certain personal expenses, including home mortgage interest, state taxes, contributions to charity, and some other items. Some deductions are subject to limits.
Capital gains are taxable, and capital losses reduce taxable income to the extent of gains (plus, in certain cases, $3,000 or $1,500 of ordinary income). Individuals currently pay a lower rate of tax on capital gains and certain corporate dividends.
Taxpayers generally must self assess income tax by filing tax returns. Advance payments of tax are required in the form of withholding tax or estimated tax payments. Taxes are determined separately by each jurisdiction imposing tax. Due dates and other administrative procedures vary by jurisdiction. April 15 following the tax year is the last day for individuals to file tax returns for federal and many state and local returns. Tax as determined by the taxpayer may be adjusted by the taxing jurisdiction.
Corporate Income tax - two types -S Corp Vs C Corp
Introduction : When it comes to choosing a corporate structure, there are various objectives to consider. One such objective is security, as each structure offers different levels of protection. Another objective is to manage taxes, by setting up a separate company, which enables you to maximize write-offs and exemptions. Additionally, setting up a corporate structure can provide access to health benefits packages that are not available to individuals operating as a sole proprietorship. Business Structure in the USA The term "business structure" refers to the legal framework that governs an organization within a specific jurisdiction. It defines the rights and responsibilities of the company and its owners, including the ability to raise capital, assume liabilities, and pay taxes. Choosing the right legal structure for a business requires careful consideration of its goals and objectives, as well as the unique features of each option. In the United States, the most commonly used business structures are the LLC (Limited Liability Company), Sole Proprietorship, Corporation, and Partnership. Different types of legal business structures in the USA. 1. Sole proprietorship business structure The legal structure of a sole proprietorship is easy to set up and offers complete control over the business. If you run a buSince you cannot sell shares, raising funds can be difficult, and banks may be hesitant to lend to sole proprietorships. Solrisk businesses and owners who want to test their business idea before joining a more formal company. 2.. LLC (Limited Liability Company) It is a business structure that combines the best aspects of partnerships and corporations. It offers owners protection fromCompared to an S- corporation, which has a limit of 100 stockholders, there are no such restrictions on the number of owners in an LLC. To establish an LLC, it must file its articles of association with the Secretary of State where it intends to operate. Depending on the state, the entity may also be required to submit an operating agreement. One of the benefits of forming an LLC instead of a corporation is that it has fewer restrictions and requires less paperwoan LLC can be costly since it must register with the state and comply with tax and regulatory obligations. The organization may need to hire an accountant and attorney to ensure compliance. 3. Partnership business structure A partnership is a type of business structure where two or more individuals share ownership. It is the most straightforwarWhen filing taxes, the profits and losses of the business are passed on to the partners, and each partner must report their share of the profits or losses on Form 1065 with their tax returns. Additionally, partners may be required to pay self- employment tax, depending on their share of the company's profits. Schedule K-1 should be attached to Form 1065, which details the gains or losses. 4. Corporation A corporation is a type of business structure that separates the entity from its owners legally. It is a complex and expensive process to set up and involves complying with additional tax and regulatory requirements. Many businesses hire lawyers to oversee the registration process and ensure that the company complies with all relevant state laws. Before a company can go public by selling common stock to the public, it must first become a corporation. Corporations are subject to both federal and state taxes, and shareholders must report any dividend distributions on their income tax returns. The two most common types of corporations are C-corporations and S-corporations. A C-corporation is an independent legal entity separate from its owners, while an S-corporation can have up to 100 shareholders and operates similarly to a partnership. One advantage of a corporate structure is the ability to raise capital by selling stock to the public. Additionally, the corporate form provides limited personal liability protection, shielding the owners from the company's debts and obligations. However, a corporation also comes with more requirements, such as meetings, voting, and director elections, and it is more expensive to set up than a sole proprietorship or partnership. Conclusion In conclusion, selecting the right business structure is crucial because it affects various aspects of your business, including tax payments, fundraising, paperwork, and personal liability. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider your options before registering your business with the state. Additionally, you may need to obtain a tax identification number and necessary licenses and permissions. It's worth noting that changing your business structure in the future maybe possible, but limitations based on your location may arise, which could have tax implications and lead to unexpected dissolution or other issues
C corporations are subject to double taxation; that is, one tax at the corporate level on the corporation's net income, and another tax to the shareholders when the profits are distributed. S corporations have only one level of taxation. All of their income is allocated to the shareholders.
United States tax code allows certain types of entities to utilize pass-through taxation. This effectively shifts the income tax liability from the entity earning the income to those who have a beneficial interest in it. The Schedule K-1 is the form that reports the amounts that are passed through to each party that has an interest in the entity.
Similar to a partnership, S corporations must file an annual tax return on Form 1120S.The S corporation provides Schedule K-1s that reports each shareholder’s share of income, losses, deductions and credits. The shareholders use the information on the K-1 to report the same thing on their separate tax returns.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
2018 made a lot of changes to the existing tax code. Most of
them begin in 2018 and they’re a lot to get your mind around. If you’ve
historically chosen to itemize rather than take the standard deduction, here's
what you need to know in the years going forward.
TCJA tweaks and even eliminates a good many itemized deductions, but most of
the changes are temporary. They’ll expire in 2025 unless Congress votes to keep
some or all of them. Meanwhile, you might want to plan accordingly if you’ve
normally claimed some or all of these deductions.
Medical Expenses Deduction
changes to the itemized deduction for medical expenses is actually
pro-taxpayer, at least for a short time.
could only claim a deduction for the portion of your expenses that exceeded 10
percent of your adjusted gross income through the 2016 tax year. The TCJA reduces that threshold to 7.5 percent,
although only for tax years 2017 and 2018. This provision is retroactive, so
you get a little gift as you go about preparing your 2017 return—you’ll be able
to deduct somewhat more in medical expenses.
other rules remain the same. You can claim expenses incurred for yourself, your
spouse, or your dependents, and you must have paid them in the same year you
claim them as a deduction. The 7.5 percent threshold is scheduled to increase
back up to 10 percent in 2019, so you might want to spend the money now rather
than later if you’re considering elective procedures that are deductible under
the law. Just keep in mind that cosmetic-type surgeries and treatments
are not deductible,
although those that are preventative and those that treat existing problems
State and Local Taxes Deduction (SALT)
deduction was a matter of hot debate as the TCJA made its way through Congress
at the end of 2017. It used to be unlimited, and it covered a range of
taxes: property, sales, and income, although you did have to choose between deducting sales taxes
or income taxes. You couldn’t claim a deduction for both.
still the rule, but now there’s an overall limit to how much you can deduct. It
caps out at $10,000 under the terms of the TCJA. If you pay $6,000 in property
taxes and $5,000 in income taxes for a total of $11,000, you’ll lose $1,000 of
that deduction beginning in 2018. You can either claim $5,000 in property taxes
or $4,000 in income taxes, but that other $1,000 for the full $11,000 you paid
is no longer available. This will be a real blow to those who live in states
with high income tax rates or areas with high property tax rates, such as New
York, New Jersey, California and the District of Columbia.
if you’re married and file a separate return, you must cut that $10,000 figure
in half. These filers are entitled to only a $5,000 deduction in state,
property and local taxes. This rule doesn’t apply to single or head of
household filers, however—they can claim the full $10,000.
real property taxes can’t be deducted anymore, either. The TCJA eliminates that
tax law provision.
Can You
Prepay Your Taxes to Get the Old Deduction?
aspect of the new tax bill had many taxpayers storming their local property tax
assessment offices at the end of 2017. hoping to prepay their 2018 taxes so
they could still claim a deduction for the full amount. But on December 27,
2017, the Internal Revenue Service effectively said, “Not so fast.” If you did prepay your 2018 property taxes in December,
they’re only deductible in 2017 to the extent that they were already assessed.
In other words, you actually received a bill for your 2018 taxes—and paid
them—before December 31, 2017.
can’t claim a 2017 deduction for what the IRS has called “anticipated” 2018
Deduction for Home Mortgage Interest
deduction hasn’t been eliminated either, but it’s suffered. It’s more
restricted now, but to be fair, many taxpayers won’t feel the bite. Only those
who can afford particularly sizeable mortgages will be affected.
2017, you could deduct interest on mortgage loans of up to $1 million if they were used to acquire a first
or second residence, or $500,000 if you were married and filed a separate
return. You could also deduct interest on home equity loans of up to $100,000.
The TCJA cuts this to acquisition loans topping out at $750,000, or
$375,000 for married taxpayers filing separately, and you can no longer deduct
interest on home equity loans.
other words, unless you can qualify for a $750,000-plus mortgage, not much
changes for you.
applicable dates aren’t as clear cut with the amendments to this deduction. The
old $1 million limit doesn’t quite last until December 31, 2017. It applies
only to mortgages contracted for before December 14, 2017, and you must close
on the property by April 1, 2018.
here’s another wrinkle: You can refinance an existing mortgage that you took
out before December 14 in tax year 2018 or later and you can still deduct the
interest, but only if the refinanced amount isn’t greater than your old loan
balance. Remember, the deduction for interest on home equity loans has been
eliminated, but if you’re not taking any cash out, you’re fine.
Affecting Workers
TCJA also eliminates two advantageous deductions for the working class. It used
to be that you could deduct certain moving expenses if you had to relocate for work-related
reasons, subject to several qualifying rules. Hopefully, you moved before
December 31, 2017 or you can hold off on doing so until the TCJA expires in
2025, because this deduction is no more.
this was an above-the-line deduction, an “add-on” to your itemized deductions
or your standard deduction. And this change does not affect active duty military personnel. They
can still claim this deduction when and if they’re forced to move for
service-related reasons.
miscellaneous itemized deductions you used to be able to claim for expenses you
had to make for work-related purposes are gone, too. Some miscellaneous
deductions have survived the TCJA, but not this one. On the bright side, these
were only deductible to the extent that they exceeded 2 percent of your AGI
anyway, and if they were not reimbursed by your employer.
Casualty and Theft Losses Deduction
casualty and theft losses itemized deduction survived…sort of, but it’s been
pared way back. Beginning in 2018, you can only claim this deduction if you
suffered a loss due to a federally-declared disaster. The U.S. President must cite the event as a
disaster. Fortunately, this covers most catastrophic events like hurricanes,
but you’re out of luck if your neighbor steals your brand new laptop.
No More
Pease Limitations
deductions are still alive and well and they remain unchanged, and here’s a bit
of good news. This deduction—as well as the home mortgage interest
deduction—was subject to something called the Pease limitations through 2017. For those with high
incomes, these limitations reduced itemized deductions by 3 percent for every
dollar of taxable income over certain thresholds and ultimately up to 80
percent of their itemized deductions.
TCJA repeals the Pease limitations, so go ahead and donate to your favorite
charity no matter how much you earn. You can still claim this tax deduction in
Standard Deduction vs. Itemized Deductions
might not be all doom and gloom for some taxpayers. Yes, you're losing a
handful of itemized deductions and other deductions have been limited. But the
TCJA almost doubles standard deductions for all filing statuses: from $6,350 to $12,000 for single
taxpayers, from $12,700 to $24,000 for married taxpayers who file jointly, and
from $9,350 to $18,000 for those who qualify to file as head of household. So
while your available itemized deductions might shrink, your available standard
deduction will mushroom, potentially offsetting the loss.
might find that you come out in much the same tax situation as before, or you
might even come out ahead under the new rules. If you and your spouse were historically
able to amass $20,000 in deductions, or if your itemized deductions are reduced
to under $24,000 in 2018 by the new law, you’d actually lose money by
Tax Rates 2017 vs 2018(filing in 2019)
Sweeping Tax Overhaul 2018
The House-Senate Conference Committee revealed their agreed-upon tax reform package late on Friday, December 15th. As we write this, the Act has not yet become law, but we expect the House and Senate to separately pass it quickly and send it to President Trump shortly thereafter. While the devil is in the details, we wanted to pass along some of the key provisions.
Individual Tax Rates. The Conference bill calls for a maximum individual tax rate of 37 percent, down from 39.6 percent, but did not change the number of brackets as expected. To give you an idea of the changes, here is a 2017 – 2018 comparison for married filing jointly:

Capital Gains Rates. The Conference bill generally retains the present-law maximum rates on net long-term capital gains and qualified dividends: 15 percent and 20 percent depending on income levels.
Standard Deduction and Personal Exemptions. The standard deduction will nearly double in 2018 to $24,000 for joint filers, $18,000 for head-of-household filers, and $12,000 for all other individuals, indexed for inflation for tax years after 2018. However, personal exemptions of over $4,050 per eligible person will be eliminated.
Mortgage Interest Deduction. The Conference bill limits the mortgage interest deduction to interest on $750,000 of “acquisition indebtedness” ($375,000 in the case of married taxpayers filing separately), beginning in 2018. For acquisition indebtedness incurred before December 15, 2017, the current-law limitations of $1,000,000 ($500,000 in the case of married taxpayers filing separately) remain. However, no interest deduction is allowed for interest on home equity indebtedness after 2017.
State and Local Taxes. The Conference bill limits deductions for nonbusiness state and local tax expenses, including property and income taxes, to $10,000 ($5,000 for married filing separately). Moreover, taxpayers will not be able to deduct any 2018 taxes prepaid in 2017 on their 2017 tax returns.
Other Itemized Deductions Under the Conference Bill:
Charitable Contributions. Generally kept the same as 2017 except the deduction for certain contributions is limited to 60 percent of adjusted gross income rather than 50 percent. Also, a deduction will no longer be allowed for contributions made to gain seating rights for college sports.
Miscellaneous Itemized Deductions. Repealed.
Medical expenses. Not only retained but enhanced for 2017 and 2018 in that the threshold for the deduction was lowered to 7.5 percent of adjusted gross income for all taxpayers.
Casualty Losses. Allowed but only for losses attributable to federally-declared disaster areas.
Alimony. The Conference bill repeals the deduction for alimony payments and the inclusion in the income of the recipient, but only for divorces executed after December 31, 2018.
Moving Expense Deduction. The Conference bill repeals moving expense provisions, except for members of the military required to move.
Dependent Tax Credits. The Conference bill increases the child tax credit to $2,000 per qualifying child, up to $1,400 of which may be refundable. There is also a $500 nonrefundable credit for qualifying dependents other than qualifying children. The adjusted gross income threshold for phasing out the credits is increased to $400,000 for joint filers and $200,000 for others.
Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). The Conference bill keeps AMT for individuals but increases the exemption (to $109,400 for joint filers) and exemption phase-out thresholds (to $1 million for joint filers) to reduce the number of taxpayers subject to it. The corporation AMT is repealed.
Section 529 Plans. The Conference bill enhances Section 529 college savings plans by allowing up to $10,000 of distributions per student during the year to be used for elementary or secondary school.
Estate and Gift Taxes. The Conference bill does not repeal the estate tax as once expected but it doubles the estate and gift tax exemption for estates of decedents dying and gifts made after 2017.
C Corporation Tax Rate. The Conference bill provides for a 21 percent corporate rate effective for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017. This rate also applies to personal service corporations.
Depreciation Rules. The Conference bill generally increases the 50 percent “bonus depreciation” allowance to 100 percent for new AND used property placed in service after September 27, 2017, and before January 1, 2023. Business passenger automobiles will also be eligible for more favorable depreciation rules. In addition, among Section 179 changes, HVAC equipment is now eligible for Section 179 expensing.
Deduction for Pass-through Businesses. The Conference bill effectively lowers the tax rate for individual and trust owners of certain “qualified” S Corporations, LLCs, partnerships and sole proprietorships by providing a 20 percent deduction on qualified business income. The deduction is limited to 50 percent of the W-2 wages with respect to such business, or if greater, the sum of 25 percent of the W-2 wages plus 2.5 percent of the cost of qualified property acquired during the year. Owners of “specified service businesses” where the principal asset of the business is the reputation or skill of one or more of its employees or owners, such as businesses in the fields of health, law, consulting, and financial services, are generally not eligible for the 20 percent deduction. However, there is a small taxpayer exception to both the wage limitation and the “specified service business” exclusion as both generally do not begin phasing in until owners have adjusted taxable income of more than $157,500 ($315,000 for joint filers).
Small Business Methods of Accounting. Beginning after 2018, small businesses with average gross receipts of $25 million or less will be allowed to use the cash method of accounting regardless if it is a C Corporation or a partnership with a C Corporation partner. Moreover, taxpayers that meet the $25 million gross receipts test are not required to account for inventories.
Revenue Recognition. The Conference bill generally requires accrual method taxpayers subject to the “all events test” for revenue recognition to be in conformity with its “applicable financial statements” if such are prepared by the taxpayers.
Business Interest Expense Limitations. The Conference bill limits the deduction of net interest expense for businesses with average gross receipts in excess of $25 million. The deduction is generally limited to 30 percent of adjusted taxable income (after adding back depreciation and amortization expense).
Corporate Net Operating Losses (NOL). For losses generated after 2017, the Conference Bill limits the NOL deduction to 80 percent of taxable income, disallows most carrybacks, but generally allows indefinite carryforwards.
Business Entertainment Expenses. The Conference bill generally repeals the business deduction for entertainment, amusement or recreation expenses. The 50 percent deduction for business meals is generally retained.
Domestic Production Deduction. The Conference bill repeals this popular deduction.
Affordable Care Act (ACA) or “Obamacare.” The Conference bill repeals the ACA’s individual mandate to buy health insurance by making any required payment $0 beginning in 2019.
Effective Dates. Unless noted otherwise above, the tax changes generally are effective beginning in 2018. Many of the individual provisions “sunset” after 2025 resulting in a reversion to current law unless Congress acts beforehand.
Tax schedules
schedule is a form the IRS requires you to prepare in addition to your tax return when you have certain types of income or deductions. These commonly include things like significant amounts of interest income, mortgage interest or charitable contributions. Generally, the totals you compute on these schedules are transferred to your Form 1040. When you qualify to complete a simpler tax form, such as the Form 1040EZ, then additional schedules are not required.Schedule A
If you elect to itemize your deductions rather than claim the standard deduction, then you must prepare a Schedule A and attach it to your Form 1040. Schedule A is the tax form where you report the amount of your itemized deductions. Some of the itemized deductions listed on Schedule A include medical and dental expenses, various state taxes, mortgage interest, and charitable contributions. If your Schedule A total exceeds the standard deduction, you are typically better off itemizing your deductions.
Schedule B
Schedule B is an income schedule that requires you to separately list the sources of interest and dividend payments you receive during the year. You can use Schedule B with both Forms 1040 and 1040A. However, preparation of the schedule is only necessary when your interest or dividend income exceeds the IRS threshold for the year - $1,500 in 2017. For example, if you only earn $200 of bank interest this year, you must include this amount in your taxable income, but preparing a Schedule B is not necessary.
Schedules C and C-EZ
Schedules C and C-EZ are forms that you use to report self-employment income. Essentially, both forms separately report your business earnings and deductions to arrive at your net business profit or loss, which is then added to your other income on Form 1040. If you have a single business with simple accounting that meets IRS qualifications, you can use the shorter Schedule C-EZ, rather than Schedule C.
Schedule D
If you sell a capital asset during the year, then you must report it on a Schedule D attachment to your tax return. Capital assets transactions commonly report the gains and losses when you sell stocks, but can include any other property you sell during the year such as your home or car. The form separates the transactions into short-term and long-term transactions depending on whether you own the property for more than one year or not. Your short-term capital gains are taxed at the same rate as your other income, but your long-term gains are taxed at lower rates.
Schedule EIC
Schedule EIC is where you report your qualifications for claiming the earned income tax credit. The earned income tax credit is a refundable tax credit you can claim if you have qualifying children, and your income falls below a certain level. You can use Schedule EIC for both Forms 1040 and 1040A.
Schedule SE
If you are self-employed, you are responsible for paying Social Security tax on your earnings since an employer is not withholding it for you. You compute the amount of your self-employment tax on Schedule SE.

Standard Deduction Vs Itemised Deduction

A) It is the option of tax payer to take either of them whichever is beneficial ( assessee is called atx payer in US)
B) Standard deduction is 12k, 18k, 24k based on status.This is increased in 2018( by removing one of the other deductions called personal deduction)

C)From 2018 onwards - standard deduction is increased and scope for itemised deductions curtailed.

The mortgage debt interest is one of the major itemized deductions which will help the sum of itemized deductions being higher than standard deduction.
However the following changes are made in 2018 which limit the deduction for loans taken after 15th Dec 2017
Mortgage Interest Deductibility in 2018
- Interest payments are deductible on mortgage debt of up to $750,000—formerly $1,000,000
- Married couples filing separately can deduct interest on up to $350,000 each—formerly $500,000
- Up to 2025, these new limits won't apply to mortgages originated before December 15, 2017
- Deduction for other home equity debt (HELOCs and second mortgages) eliminated—formerly $100,000
In the short term, these changes only affect people who take out new purchase mortgages. Anyone who purchased a home before December 15, 2017 will be able to deduct mortgage interest payments on up to $1 million in debt, up until 2025. Even if you refinance, the old limit applies as long as the original debt was taken on before December 15, 2017. Finally, people who closed on a home purchase before January 1, 2018 can also use the old limit of $1 million—provided they purchase the residence by April 1.
Besides reducing the maximum deduction for mortgage interest, the new rules completely eliminate the deduction for interest paid on other home equity debt. Previously, taxpayers could deduct up to $100,000—$50,000 for married couples filing separately—on the interest payments for home equity loans and home equity lines of credit (HELOCs).