What is Private Equity:
· Equity investments in relatively mature, primarily unlisted companies requiring growth capital
· Each investment is backed by an investment thesis which plays out over a period of three to five years
Types of Private Equity and stage of investment:
These funds provide
equity capital to mature firms in need of capital or ownership transition.
Transactions tend to have a layer of debt in their financing. Small and
mid-sized buyout transactions tend to have lower proportions of debt in their
capital structure relative to their large and mega-sized counterparts.
Venture Capital
These funds provide
equity capital to start-ups and companies in the early stages of growth.
Portfolio companies tend to be focused upon technology, healthcare or “green”
technologies. These companies tend to exhibit high levels of growth, with the
potential to become profitable businesses. The immaturity of these businesses
means that some will inevitably fail. However, within a successful venture
capital fund, any failures will typically be counterbalanced by a number of
extremely profitable investments.
Growth Capital
These funds provide
expansion capital to enable a company to scale a business. Investments tend to
be made after the early stages of a company’s life. Returns are largely
dependent upon cash flow growth.
Special Situations
These funds tend to invest in mezzanine or mid-layer debt capital,
which provides more protection than equity financing in the event of default.
These funds can aim to achieve equity-like returns via the use of warrants and
equity-like features. Mezzanine debt tends to exhibit lower risk and return
features than other, purely equity-based, private equity stages.
The term special situations also includes distressed debt and funds specializing in energy and turnaround investments.
The term special situations also includes distressed debt and funds specializing in energy and turnaround investments.
Key differences between other funds and PE:
Venture Capital
Private Equity
Stage of company
At all stages
Level of Risk
Assessment of Focus
Mostly Technology
Investment Size
< $ 10 m
> $ 10 m
> $ 50 m
> $ 5 m
PE Investment Process:
Structuring the Business
Preparation of Business Plan and marketing
Short list and evince interest from the investors
Structuring, Valuation and Negotiation
Obtain Term sheet
Due Diligence
Definitive Agreement
Closing Formalities
Advantages of PE:
Corporate Governance
Networking and Global Integration
Operational Orientation
Corporate Strategies
Long Term Capital Commitment
Easier access other source of finance
Experience & Expertise in Risk Reward Analysis
and Capital allocation
Build Confidence in – Customers, Employees,
Suppliers, Banks & other lending institution and Markets
Relatively less expensive fund raising exercise in
comparison to IPO
Disadvantages of PE:
Raising Private Equity finance is very demanding,
time consuming; at times the business may suffer if promoter devotes more time
for the transaction
Depending on the investor, promoters may lose a certain
amount of power to make management decisions
Will have to invest management time to provide
regular information for the investor to monitor
Might create conflict or differing opinion in
long‐term strategy due to pressures of EXIT from the investor
The cost of complying with regulations could be
relatively higher
Non‐alignment of Interest of fund manager on the
board and entrepreneur could hamper the growth of company
DEFINITION of 'Series A Financing'
The first round of financing undergone for a new business venture after seed capital. Generally, this is the first time that company ownership is offered to external investors. Series A financing may be provided in the form of preferred stock and may offer anti-dilution provisions in the event that further financing through preferred or common stock occurs in the future.
Series A financing tends to occur when the company is generating some revenue from its business model, but rarely will the business be generating net profits at this point. Most series A investors will be venture capital funds or angel investors who are willing to accept the high levels of risk found in these early-stage company investments.
As an enterprise grows and requires additional capital, the subsequent rounds of preferred stock issued to investors are called Series B, Series C, and so on. This allows investors in those subsequent rounds of financing to know where they stand in the hierarchy of claims to future profits. Typically, the business is revalued before each round of financing, so terms of conversion may be vastly different for different rounds depending on the valuation of the company at each stage.
As an enterprise grows and requires additional capital, the subsequent rounds of preferred stock issued to investors are called Series B, Series C, and so on. This allows investors in those subsequent rounds of financing to know where they stand in the hierarchy of claims to future profits. Typically, the business is revalued before each round of financing, so terms of conversion may be vastly different for different rounds depending on the valuation of the company at each stage.